Drs. Shane Smith and Elizabeth Browning, talented veterinary research scientists, begin a passionate affair when they are brought together by the CIA and British intelligence to foil an al-Qaeda plot that threatens to infect America's beef supply with an aggressive strain of mad cow disease.
In desperation to thwart al -Qaeda's plan, the CIA and the British Ml-6 use Elizabeth and Shane as bait. Posing as honeymooners in Rio, the couple checks into the same hotel where four of their colleagues had disappeared.
Shane and Elizabeth learn that the four scientists who disappeared had left Rio to visit lguazu Falls, the largest waterfalls in the world.
There Shane and Elizabeth are taken by Dr. al-Sadr, al -Qaeda master planner. Al-Sadr eludes the agents and disappears with Shane and Elizabeth to a secret locale even though the CIA managed to place a short-range tracking device to al-Sadr's car, when he picked Shane and Elizabeth up.
Tom and Bob manage to locate where al-Sadr had taken Shane and Elizabeth and were in the process of rescuing them, but Shane and Elizabeth knew how to make a daring escape on their own from al-Sadr's clutches.